Sunday, August 13, 2006

Please Pick Up Your No. 2 Pencils

I went to Target today to get Caroline's school supplies. Shoot me in the head now. Why oh why do these teachers have to be so stinkin' specific?!? We needed 2 boxes of 12 Ticonderoga No 2 pencils. No generic Rose Art will do. And what does Target have 5 billion boxes of? Rose Art. Not a Ticonderoga in sight. Same with CLASSIC Crayola markers. Gobs of BRIGHT and BOLD. Nary a CLASSIC. If every teacher demands Ticonderogas and CLASSICs, why for the love of Pete does Target even carry the other kind?!? And BTW did our founding fathers fight with Daniel Boone at Fort Ticonderoga just to make pencils? Maybe the Hooker can answer that after her family field trip.

So now I get to go to Walmart. Ick.


Aimee said...

Amen! I think it's only our school that requires these things. You should see lists for other schools ~ not much of anything. Me ~ I get to bring baby wipes, disinfectant wipes, antibacterial gel, etc. it's crazy the things on Chloe's list.

Jen said...

That's cuz were private and the school doesn't have the $$ to supply all these things for the classroom. Ah, the joys of Christian education. :-)

Mommy Brain said...

I disagree, when Christian went to public, the list was three miles long. I had to bring 6 boxes of kleenex, 4 rolls of paper towels, zip lock baggies in two was crazy!

I've stopped looking at the list as hard and fast, now I sort of consider it a suggestion for my school supply shopping trip. I'm not worried that either of my cherubs will get kicked out because their pencils are the wrong kind or their markers are the wrong shade.

Carol said...

Can you please take a picture of yourself at Walmart next to a Walmart baby and post it on your blog?

Anonymous said...

Jen, it's not just private...Luke's got a specific list, too...and it's not short...and he's only in 1st grade! :(

one hot momma said...

ok, the teacher needs to chime in here...the pencil type is important Jen...but it's not the actual writing part that makes the difference, it's that pink part on the top... I don't know if this bothers anyone other than teachers, but when kids make mistakes they need to be able to be erased without pink smudgy marks on the paper...any other kind of pencil with pink top erasers just don't work well! By the way, my kiddos got 96 crayola crayons instead of a measly 24! I'm the best momma ever!!!

i am not said...

Amen to this:

Walmart. Ick.

Jen said...

I understand the specific thing about the pencils and markers. Rose Art markers suck. My complaint is that Target runs out so quickly when all the teachers demand it.

And I guess the public/private thing is a IN issue. I chatted with a few other moms and they couldn't believe our list.

Mommy Brain said...

Blank Stare

Anonymous said...

Christine, LMBO!!!!