Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Ressurection Sunday!!

As all you old Faith folks know, Rev O taught us that it's Resurrection Sunday. Easter is a pagan holiday. :-)

We had a fun day~church was good, our friends with no local family either came over for dinner. Even though it snowed, it was a nice day!


Anonymous said...

Does Wyatt have gel in his hair?

Leenie said...

Really? A pagan holiday??
Was Rev O really old?
Kids look awesome. Love the outfits. I had to bribe Abbey to get her dress on.

mommy to an angel said...

The girls look cute in their resurrection (only one S but 2 R's) dresses.
Is Christmas a pagan holiday or do you always refer to it as Jesus' birthday?
I personally don't mind throwing in the fun stuff, but I always make sure our focus is the TRUE meaning.

Jen said...

We do the eggs and such too but the term Easter, the rabbit and the eggs are from a pagan fertility ritual.

And for some reason spell check skips my titles! Ugh.

And no, Rev O is the same age as my dad, so not totally old.

mommy to an angel said...

WOW, never heard of that, and I've been a Christian since elementary school. Was I just a weird little baptist girl or is this information well known? So what's the fertility ritual? Is it something I should have tried???

Ann(ie) said...

That top picture is stinkin adorable. what a sweet picture!!

Leenie said...

I grew up Christian also. Going to a Catholic grade school and having to attend mass 2 x's a week, you tend to zone out and it is possible something of the sort was said about Easter or Christmas. Anyway, I think anyway the stores can commercialize and make money on something--they will. It does take the true meaning out of things.

Mommy Brain said...

I don't blame you for not celebrating the fertility holiday!

Anonymous said...

OK, I grew up Christian Reformed (same as Jen!) and never heard this...perhaps it's Rev. O who's got his info mixed up!??