I have been fighting this weird thing for 5 days now. According to WebMd, I either
A. am Lactose Intolerant
B. have just returned from a third world country
C. have an intestinal parasite
D. have a tumor
E. have scurvy or dysentary
F. am going to die
Hm. . .I really don't like any of my options. All I can say is that the 7-Up and Chicken Soup diet had better get me to my goal weight.
Slow Cooker Bolognese
7 hours ago
G.am pregnant
Shut up.
I really enjoy reading your blog! I am linking you on my page.
You are pregnant. None of those other illnesses are plausible.
hee hee hee hee hee
There is definitely something in the blog water you know. ;) teehee.
I have had to stop Googling my symptoms. My Dr. yelled at me b/c I'm ALWAYS convinced that I have a brain tumor.
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