Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pulbic Service Announcement

All 18 eggs in a carton will be smashed when a toddler throws them into a grocery cart. He will then yell "OH WOW!". People will stare and call "Supernanny" on their cell phones.


Mommy Brain said...

Wow! Thanks for that...wouldn't have known otherwise. LMAO

So, if ABC calls, when are you available?

kkoois said...

did you just put the eggs back on the shelf?

if you go on supernanny, can i bring my kid for the show, too? i'm not ashamed to admit that i need her!!

Jen said...

Yep. Discreetly.

Traci said...

Welcome to the world of boys! Every attempt is made to break, squish, ooze, smash, toss, chuck, stomp etc anything and everything! Send the Supernanny down to my place when she's done at your house (she'll only need 5 minutes at your house to see that you are doing just fine as a mommy!!) Happy Thanksgiving!

Mommy Brain said...

I thought of a new book! "If you give a toddler an egg carton." I think you've got a best seller on your hands...you'll give the mouse a run for his money!