Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shameless Idol Worship

I love American Idol. I know, I'm a total geek. I realize it's cheesy and very possibly rigged, but I still love it. I have had my share of AI crushes over the years but only 2 have stood the test of time. My first one was this guy on Season 4. I shamelessly fell in love with Constantine. He was just so cool. Totally the kind of guy I would have dated in college if I was much cooler.

Constantine Maroulis

Then came Season 5 and I found a man to hold a guitar pick, er candle, to my Constantine. Chris Daughtry. Yumm-o. I loved every single thing he sang. Everything he did was SO COOL. Then they did his hometown interview and his wife looked JUST LIKE ME! She was not model-hotness. She was a cute average American woman. That was just the bees knees.

For those of you who don't know, last Sunday was the Big Bon Jovi Girls Nite. With the addition of my tag-a-long husband. Tim and 10 chicks in a limo. He was in his glory~girls who were forced to sit and listen to him talk! I loved Bon Jovi. They were awesome as usual. When we first got out tix last fall we had heard that BIG AND RICH were going to be the opening act. While I would have LOVED to see John and Big Kenny, I was over the moon when I heard Daughtry was the official opener. Purrr. . . . He was awesome.

So now I can not decide if Chris has actually de-throned Constantine but it's pretty dang close. This season? David Cook is probably my favorite guy singer but he's kinda dorky looking so we'll see. There is no hotness to touch Constantine. I think I'll convert to Greek.

**Thanks to Leenie for the great Daughtry pic**


Ann(ie) said...


Anonymous said...

Constantine gives me the creeps. The way he looks at the camera with that "you know you want me" look...makes me wanna puke! lol...he's always annoyed me. LOVE Daughtry, though...even Jared thinks he's awesome (although I doubt he thinks he's hot...that would be a little weird...)

i am not said...

I was scared during this whole post that you were going to say that your new AI hottie was someone from this season - ick!

Dave won tickets to see a live Soundstage taping of Daughtry last winter. They sound really good live. However - and Chris made a funny comment about this during the show - they only have the one album and that is all they perform... They rock, though. And he is definitely yummy.

Anonymous said...

glad you enjoyed Constantine AI4. Have you checked out YouTube vids of him on his latest "cute lil tour"? He was amazing especially at Ramshead Tavern, Annapolis MD this past Monday night. Tonight he is in Richmond, VA. He's still going strong, and will co-host AI Extra on FOXRC beginning March 11th.

Lisa @ Heaven Sent said...

I am beyond jealous that you went to the concert. I wanted to go SOOO bad, but my sister and I had a miscommunication about the tickets and then it was too late!

Daughtry is totally yummy. I tend toward the rockers myself, although I didn't start watching until after Constantine. This year, I'm not so sure who I like...

mommy to an angel said...

Who says you look like Daughtry's wife? I don't see it. Make this your next post - I want to see a pic of you and a pic of her - I looked up a pic of her and I just don't see it, but maybe you have a pic where she looks different...or maybe you're still hung over from the concert, or have been hitting the bottle with wanting a 5th

Jen said...

I didn't mean I looked like her~just that we were the same "type" of woman. Boringly average. Sorry~I guess I didn't make myself clear. Thought I wish I was his wife! :-)

Leenie said...

I wonder what it would be like to be a Rock Stars wife!!??!! With all the groupies and woman that fall at their feet, I would have to do a lot of praying. Pastor Kris' message today would have to played over and for him:)

Chris H said...

Hi there chick, found you via Ann(ie) who is a hoot of a girl! I had three girls in a row then I have to admit... 3 boys in a row... you gunna try to emulate me? Oh yeah, I also am raising a little granddaughter and a little grandson now too! I'm just SOOOOO lucky! ha ha ha! Your littlies look very cute! I like them little, not so much when they turn into teenagers from hell!