Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Think I Fried My Brain

One of the things that we're getting used to at our new church is the change in service times. At Crossroads we almost always went to 9:00am service, unless we did Saturday nights. I was internally programed to look at the clock and KNOW that we had to start getting in the van at 8:25. CPCRC has their kids' programs at the 10:30 service so that's when we go because I don't care how traditional I'm becoming I am NOT sitting next to Amelia during worship. We were already ready to go and it was 10:03. I looked at the clock and thought, "Hm, I have 25 minutes. I think I'll have a bite to eat." Soon it was 10:28 and Tim says, "What time is church?" Um, crap. I was TOTALLY thinking on the old schedule that I needed to leave at the bottom of the hour. Being the daughter of Linda and sister of Jefferson that I am, there was NO freakin' way I was going to church 20 minutes late. Oh well. Grace is sufficient.


Mommy Brain said...

Did you stay home? Or did you go to Schoops?

Tena said...

Hilarious. I wouldn't have gone either. Worship happens everywhere. :)