Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wearing Her Wooden Shoes

My conversation with Caroline this evening while listening to the Sox game.

Caroline~How many people in baseball are named Cabrera?

Mommy~Lots. In the Spanish speaking world it is like. . .

Caroline~Van Drunen?


Tena said...

I thought FOR SURE she would say Van Wyk. TOOO HILARIOUS!

Ann(ie) said...

HAAAAA! That's too funny!! Sure. Terribly common.

Mommy Brain said...

So scary...didn't you always say your goal in life was to move out of dutchville?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Glad to know the "Kamp" family has been surpassed! Funny tho...at the waterpark today Brandon asked me "how many Mrs. VanDrunen's are there!?"

Anonymous said...

Heee Heee Heee Heee!
You are SO dutch!!!!
I myself think Kozanda is quite the popular name (ya, like in Poland)!